Aussie Life Care

Aussie Life Care (ALC) provides assured care and support for people with diverse psycho-social and physical abilities. They work directly with participants, families, and care partners to ensure a high quality of people-first care is provided to those who need it.
Brand Foundations, Brand Identity, Brand Collateral
Aussie Life Care
Live Project
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What's all this then?
ALC had two core challenges they were wanting to overcome: 1. They had outgrown their current Branding, feeling as if it did not accurately reflect the quality of service they provided. 2. They wanted to expand the Brand into multiple but related industries whilst maintain consistency and equity in the overall Brand.
What was the solution?
The most complex solution was to create a Brand Architecture that effectively allowed the primary Brand to flourish and grow, whilst transferring the equity and confidence into that existed within this to the newly formed sub-brands. With most complex businesses out first step is to Build out a Brand Foundations Framework that drives consistency in all future strategic, communications, and creative work. This process was invaluable as it helped uncover a key market position that the Brand could take to further enhance their stance in the market. This culminated in the creation of an extensive Brand Identity System which cemented this position and allowed for future growth.
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And the end result?
The most valuable outcome for ALC was a newly formed creative framework that centred on the new Brand Architecture & Identity. This comprehensive system has given them the tools to continue to their expansion across primary and sub-Brands, whilst giving confidence in the consistency.
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